Impact meets People meets Digital Innovation

I work collaboratively with impact organizations and change makers to introduce context-aware, appropriate innovations and solutions. My passion is to devise, develop and implement approaches and technologies that support and extend organizations’ missions – using methods that are centered around the people, causes and organizational limitations*, rather than technology for its own sake. I develop partnerships for success and have repeatedly spoken in public about the topics I am passionate about.

* financial, resources, time, etc.

Image showing a Venn diagram with 3 sticky notes in each circle: Impact, People, Innovation, where the Innovation is shown on a smartphone lying on top of the diagram

Impact Innovation: Technologies to increase your mission outcomes

  • Mission-supporting new approaches and technologies (think ICT4D, tech-supported climate-smart agriculture, emergency management systems, ...)
  • Co-creation, Conceptualization, human centered design & ideation
  • Impact measurement (M&E) incl. automated data collection systems
  • Project management for the whole development life cycle
A hand is holding a smartphone, pointing to a graphic recording of a meeting

Digital Transformation: Leverage digital tools for an efficient organization

  • Systems and processes analysis, optimization and adoption
  • Solution engineering: concepts, specifications, vendor selection, system introduction
  • Remote digital workplace adaptation, customization and administration support for existing suite of tools
  • Relationship management with Contractors, Suppliers and Developers
A satellite control center with 60s technologies, featuring lots of telephones, lights and buttons

Knowledge and Information Management: Safeguarding institutional knowledge in a fast-paced environment

  • Knowledge retention & sharing strategies
  • Systems and processes for efficient knowledge sharing
  • Data protection and information security (e.g. GDPR-compliance)
  • Support in using and publishing open (linked) data
Ballons with papers attached taking off into the air

Data Analysis and Research Support

  • Process and user centric data architectures and visualization approaches
  • System and database specifications
  • Sector-related supportive research, feasibility studies
  • Interoperability and system interfaces
A construction site with lots of cranes around two buildings names 'The Silo'

Strategy and Management Consulting

  • Advise and coaching for executives on technology and innovation
  • Develop mid/long term technology strategies along organizational goals
  • Assess potential of technological advances for best use in the organization
  • Guide adaptive management strategies along technological changes
A runner on a race track splashing into a deep puddle

Workshop Facilitation, Trainings and Community Management

  • Interactive workshop moderation and facilitation: peer to peer learning sessions, Hackathons, social engagement events, co-creation and co-design
  • Online event management, incl. meeting technology
  • Partnership building, management of community of practices
  • Trainings and change management workshops for system and process changes
A conference room seen through a mirror with a gold frame

My Work

Impact and People First

Understand where we are going and with whom to inform a technology roadmap

Mission Driven

Use digital tools to uplift equity and inclusion in a just society and on a sustainable planet

Appropriate Innovation

Context-Aware solutions that fit into your environment (your spreadsheet might be just fine)

Accessible & Usable

Content and technology that serves all people in the way they need it

Collaboration & Openness

Building bridges, work in partnerships and share results


Data protection is not a burden when it's done right

Sectors I work in, mostly

Climate Change

Renewable Energy

International Development


Crisis & Disaster Management

Social Inclusion

Corporate Social Responsibility

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About Me

Portfolio Projects

CARICOM Energy Knowledge Hub

Draft system architecture for the technical implementation of the CARICOM energy knowledge hub

Research, Technology Concept, Development Plan, Workshop Facilitation

Workflow/Grants Management System

Project Management, Technical Implementation, System Design and Architecture, User Training

Workshop: We are Fluxx Europe!

2-day Workshop Facilitation, Event Organization for the European Fluxx User Group, with a focus on interactive formats for peer exchange

Climate Knowledge Brokers Group Coordination Hub

Climate knowledge brokers group logo

Community Management, Workshop Facilitation, Project Management

Climate Knowledge Brokers Group Publications

The cover of the Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto

Creation and Coordination of CKB-Publications

Production Data Acquisition and Visualization

Concept and Prototype Software Development to increase production line efficiency and reduce waste

GALILEO Verification Sub-System

Space Communications Ground Station Antenna

Software Architecture, Requirements Engineering for a Galileo Testing Sub-System

My Background

  • 15+ years experience in digital technologies and in impact organizations and projects
  • 20+ events & workshops (co-) facilitated/organized, on 4 continents & online in 3 languages
  • Graduate Degrees: Computer Science Management & iTec – Software and Information Engineering
  • Find more Background on me on LinkedIn

Partners, Collaborators and Beneficiaries of my Work (selected)